Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Guilty as Charged

I'll admit it, I've been watching American Idol. I really can't think of a more ridiculous waste of my already over-booked TV watching time but at least it doesn't fall on Thursdays, which seems to be the event horizon of the TV's black hole. I can't wait for another episode of 30 Rock, I don't think it gets any better than that for my money...

I told Stacey we could have a baby whenever she wants (if it were up to her it would have been yesterday) as long as we could name it Lando. I keep running Star Wars names by her, and I'm not talking about the ultra-gay episodes 1-3, if I named one of my kids Jar Jar I would be deserving of mustard gas. I always have had a lot of respect for Wedge Antilles but what are the chances of that? Well, at least she already let me name one of the goats Chewbacca.

{napoleon dynamite voice} Lucky!! {/napoleon dynamite voice}

Sunday, February 4, 2007

DOWN with Google

It seems like every time I want to make a quick post or update my blog I have to jump through all these absurd hoops and I am really ticked at Google. You see, they have this ridiculous method of managing accounts. Blogger is PART of Google but for some reason there are TWO ways of logging in to your Blogger account. If I login to google, it takes me to one of my blogs, if I login to blogger, it takes me into a different blog. Yep, ridiculous, you would think that with all of the technology out there, they could find a way to make them all play nice with each other. Instead, I just spent an hour of my night trying to figure out how in the world to fix it all.

L A M E !!!