Friday, January 16, 2009

The good life...

I have been thinking a lot about how much my friends really mean to me. We all have those people in our lives that we are close to but don't often see or talk to. I am no exception. One of my best friends of all time is John Tanner, he and I studied together for a summer in Jerusalem in '96 when he was fresh home from his mission and I hadn't left for mine.

John and I chat from time to time but I'll bet it's been going on 18 months since I've seen him face to face or talked to him on the phone. He's busy and I'm busy and it's not that we don't care enough about each other to call once in a while, it just doesn't happen that often. Yet when we do see each other it's as if we hadn't gone a day without chatting. I appreciate friendships like this, not that I don't want to see or talk to him more often, it's just that I appreciate the fact that there's no awkward "catching up" to do even if it's been years.

Cheers to good friends who contribute to my already blessed and high quality of life. And to John- who I know will never read this, I love you pal, my life is better with you in it.

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